Monday, November 29, 2010

Internet Parental Controls.

      There are many different types of Parental Controls that a parent could download. They all do just about the same thing. The program sets up a protective wall around your computer. It predefined categories let you choose what you do not want your children to see or you can customize your categories. 
        There is a age based profile setting, anti-predator capabilities and much more. There is remote reporting, which will let parents monitor web browsing and view instant messaging. There are new filters for things like facebook, and game blocking. 

Internet Filters

An internet filtering system is designed to monitor and block internet usage based on the requirements that the person who sets it up chooses. There are different versions and each is designed to suit different people that want different things. It is a flexible program that can be used at work or at home. 
      Filters stop certain things from being seen or done. They block websites based on key words or the name of the website. All search engine has a filter built in along with all internet service providers. It is not 100% all the time. Some people can get past them and they can sometimes block things that do not need to be blocked.

Digital Image Steganography.

Digital image steganography techniques have used old steganography techniques. They concealing messages within the lowest bits of noisy images or sound files. It also conceals data within encrypted data or within random data. The data to be concealed is first encrypted before being used to overwrite part of a much larger block of encrypted data. 
        Mimic functions convert one file to have the same statistical profile of another. Concealed messages in a tampered executable files, exploiting redundancy in the targeted instruction set. They also concealed messages in a tampered  executable file, exploiting redundancy in the targeted instruction set. It can change the order of elements in a set.

Wireless Networking Precautions.

Using a wireless network has advantages of not having to sit at a desktop and having wireless connection everywhere. It is a great way to be on the computer but there are security problems.  To protect your computer at home make sure you have up to date anti virus protection. You can enable WEP or WPA to prevent intruders from accessing your computer and installing a virus or worm into it.  Make sure the grouter you choose has a firewall on it, because it makes it harder for someone to hack your computer.  If you disable your SSID no one can access your network, therefore not having access to your computer either.
When protecting yourself at a public area you need to have the proper software. When in public it means you can log onto any wireless network and share that network with others. If you are sharing the network it makes it easier for someone to access your information or someone sending a virus to your computer.Do not give out any information while on this network, like your social security number. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010



  Having a strong password is very helpful in today's society. The key to a good password is length and complexity. They usually consist of letters, punctuation, symbols and numbers. Some helpful hints are use more than 14 characters, the greater the variety the stronger it is, and use the whole keyboard. You can use something like a password checker to see how good your password is.                                    
       To make a password do not use anything that someone can simply guess, or a dictionary word. Make it hard to get and complicated. You can write a sentence that means something to you, use the first letter of each word, use capital and lowercase letters, and add numbers. Following these tricks will keep all your information safe. 

Internet Parental Guidance.

Parents today are beginning to filter and watch what their children do and see on the internet. By doing this they are helping their children stay away from predators and things they should not see. Parents are filtering out websites that their children should be be seeing. is one website that is helping parents do this. 
        By parental doing this and talking to the children about why they choose to block and filter what they see they are helping the world stay safe. They are making sure their children can stay children and not learn or see things that are not approved for their age group. They are also making sure that they stay safe and in their own home, not being taken by others. This is a very smart choice for parents.

Computer Forensics.

Computer Forensics relates to the application of analytical techniques employed to collect, recover, authenticate, preserve, and analysis electric data, mostly for legal purposes. The main stages are identifying sources of digital evidence, securing and preserving identified evidence, analyzing the evidence, analyzing the evidence, and documenting legally admissible evidence.   
       This is used for the accidental or deliberate unauthorized disclosure of corporate data, employee internet abuse and damage assessment ad analysis. Also industrial espionage and criminal fraud and deception cases. There are about 16 computer forensics labs in the united states. They help bring people like terrorists, kidnappers, corrupt politicians and identity thieves to justice.